Both Rome and the Vatican are getting ready for the canonization ceremony of John Paul II and John XXIII. Hundreds of thousands of people are expected. 



Find out how the Vatican is getting ready for the canonization of John Paul II and John XXIII

Both Rome and the Vatican are getting ready for the canonization ceremony of John Paul II and John XXIII. Hundreds of thousands of people are expected. 


Vatican Spokesman
“If St. Peter’s Square is full and if the crowd extends all the way to the Tiber River, then we estimate about 200 to 250,000 people. It will be tight.”
The Mass will be held on Sunday April 27th at 10.00a.m. Pope Francis will preside over it, but  there may be another Pope there as well. 


Vatican Spokesman
“Clearly there is an expectation, especially after Benedict XVI attended the last consistory. In an interview, Pope Francis described him as an  institution, encouraging him to take part in the life of the Church. Without a doubt he has been invited, but it’s still a month away. We’ll have to see if he decides to go.” 
Front and center will be the two women who were miraculously cured through the intercession of John Paul II.  From Costa Rica, Floribeth Mora and from France, Sister Marie Simon Pierre. 
Later that afternoon, St. Peter’s Basilica will be open to the public so that pilgrims can pray before the tombs of the two new saints. 


Vatican Spokesman
“The slab that currently reads Blessed John Paul II will be changed with the word ‘Saint.’ So his tombstone will be replaced for the celebration.” 
Part of the celebration will begin a day before. On Saturday April 26th, at 9.00 a.m. 11 Roman parishes will be open for Confession. In addition, pamphlets on the life and deeds of the future saints, will be available in several languages. 


Communications Director, Vicariate of Rome
“The Church doesn’t make saints. What the Church will do is recognize that these two great Popes, John Paul II and John XXIII, lived a saintly life.” 
With less than a month to go, the Vatican has launched a website for the coming canonization: 
It also has a Twitter, Facebook, Youtube and Instagram account ready for the big day. It’s even getting ready for a phone app titled ‘Santo Subito’ where users can tap into the latest canonization news. 
On Monday April 28th, a Mass will be held in St. Peter’s Square at 10.00am. It will be celebrated by Cardinal Angelo Comastri, Archpriest of Saint Peter’s Basilica.